Back in 2002, I was thinking up fabulous names for my new company. I was all about "unlimited outcomes/ be what you want to be" etc.
Most of my consulting friends were launching their businesses and were typically naming them after themselves. From the beginning I felt my calling was all about bringing the best together and it wasn't about me but rather the outcome I was trying to help individuals and organizations reach.
Initially, I was thinking of calling my company Pathways Unlimited then I moved to UNLTD OUTCOMES.
Feeling very proud of my exhaustive search and final selection, I walked outside...and saw 2 small palm trees that my husband had just planted a few weeks earlier. When he first planted them- they looked exactly the same.
However as you can see below from the actual picture I took at the time- they grew dramatically different. One was shorter, had all kinds of palm fronds growing out in all different directions. I thought that is what chaos and unfocused paths look like.
I started asking myself- Does anyone REALLY want unlimited options. "No" was clear to me. The answer was right next to the crazy palm tree. It's sister plant was taller, fewer fronds that seemed both more purposeful and relaxed. I thought there it is- At-ease and next to it- its polar opposite Dis-ease. AtEz was born.